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5 Easy Tips for Tenants Looking to Keep Their Rental Property Clean

While tenants are expected to keep tabs on their home’s cleanliness in anticipation of a routine inspection, there’s no reason to stress about the appointment. Instead, taking simple steps between inspections to keep your home sparkling from top to bottom means you’ll avoid any awkward conversations. Here, we highlight five easy ways to clean your rental property with minimal hassle.

1. Keep a schedule

One of the best ways to keep your rental property clean is through a personalised cleaning schedule. This way, the job quickly becomes part of your weekly routine and won’t feel like such a burden. Depending on your other commitments, you might set aside 30 minutes on a Saturday morning to clean the bathroom or an hour on Sundays to vacuum the carpet.

2. Share the workload

Unless you’re living alone, cleaning your rental property should be the responsibility of everyone. Alongside your cleaning schedule, you can rotate tasks so that each tenant takes care of a different area from week to week. Using this approach, the same person won’t get stuck with the worse tasks, and the job gets completed faster and with less effort from everyone involved.

3. Prioritise problem areas

It’s important to recognise that some areas of the home will generate more mess than others. So rather than wasting time focusing on non-issues, focusing more attention on spaces like the bathroom and the kitchen is a wiser decision. Then, when your next inspection arrives, the dirtiest areas won’t take so much work to get in tip-top shape.


4. Get the right equipment

Cleaning becomes far more work if you don’t have the right tools for the job. That means stocking up on a selection of cleaning detergents for your rental property’s varied spaces. Meanwhile, you’ll want a dependable bucket, sponges, scrubbers and more, so you don’t struggle more than necessary. Get the right products to make your life so much easier.


5. Clean as you go

While developing a cleaning schedule that makes sense for each tenant is crucial to keeping your home clean, scrubbing as you go is another way to minimise the workload for everyone. After you’ve cooked dinner, give the stove a wipe down and clean the sink. Perhaps you can spray the shower screens while you’re using it. This approach is bound to save you time and effort.


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